When you stop learning you stop being as useful. This is especially true in any tech-related fields, marketing, writing, filmmaking, content creation, health, and pretty much anything else.
I read to learn most of the time but I also read to enjoy a story. I’m reading The Stand by Stephen King right now. I highly suggest checking it out if you’re a Stephen King fan.
It doesn’t matter if you want to increase the information you take in to learn more or read more interesting stories. I do it for both and it works well for both.
Reading is essential for those who seek to rise above the ordinary. — Jim Rohn
With Books
Reading faster with books is the most common way people like to increase their speed they take in information. “Speed reading” has been a thing for many years. Someone can go through a book and take in the majority of the information and actually retain it by essentially skimming through it.
This can be done with fiction or nonfiction and is something I’ve only recently begun working on. I’ve done all the other methods in this article for years though.
Speed reading isn’t always ideal for some people. For example, I wouldn’t speed read your contracts but I speed-read…