For those who aren’t familiar with BlizzCon allow me to give you a quick overview of what the event is…
BlizzCon is a gaming convention put on by Blizzard Entertainment to show off their upcoming developments for their games. BlizzCon has some of the largest titles of any studio.
A quick list of Blizzards IPs
- World of Warcraft
- Overwatch
- Diablo III
- Starcraft II
- Hearthstone
- Heroes of the Storm
- Warcraft III
- Starcraft
That’s a pretty impressive list considering all of those games are or were at one time the most popular game on any social media or content sharing platform with the exclusion of maybe Heroes of the Storm.
World of Warcraft — by far the most popular MMO and the top grossing game in the history of video games.
Overwatch — One of if not the most popular first-person shooter ever created
Diablo (all three games) — Have one of the most devoted player bases of any game ever produced. Diablo III port to console was the most successful port in history from PC to console or console to PC.