You Can Make a Business From Anything

Christian Helms ❤️
6 min readNov 28, 2021

We live in an exciting and honestly incredible world in 2021 — a world where things our grandparents and even parents never imagined possible. We live in a world where you can start a business today or invest money today and make money in a matter of hours. While saying “you can make a business from anything” is a kind of embellishment, you can make a business from just about anything and make money from it. The main thing that is holding you back is knowing how to do it and the amount of attention that topic has.

For example, if the topic you choose is too broad, you’ll compete with millions of other people. However, if you go too niche, you’ll end up limiting yourself to your audience. When you niche down to an extreme, your max audience will be much smaller. If we use Sean Cannels favorite example of underwater basket weaving, you can see what I mean.

Basket weaving gets 4.3 million searches every month. Underwater basket weaving gets 2,000 searches every month. Which one is easier to rank for on YouTube or a blog? Hands down, it’s underwater basket weaving. However, you’ll never get many views and have limited growth since only 2,000 people search that term monthly.



Christian Helms ❤️

I help small business owners & entrepreneurs get sales and generate leads with sales funnels & more.